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Apr 3, 20243 min read
This Day in History: The Pony Express
On this day in 1860, the Pony Express begins its first run. The long ride from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, would be...

Sep 27, 20233 min read
This Day in History: The First Mach 3 Flight
On this day in 1956, Captain Milburn “Mel” Apt becomes the first to fly faster than Mach 3. Sadly, his Bell X-2 supersonic aircraft went...

Jun 15, 20233 min read
This Day in History: Benjamin Franklin's Kite
On or around this day in 1752, Benjamin Franklin famously flies a kite during a thunderstorm. He discovers that lightning carries...

Apr 7, 20233 min read
This Day in History: “Seward’s Folly”
On this day in 1867, Senators debate a treaty to purchase Alaska. Secretary of State William Seward had just brokered a deal to buy it...

Mar 10, 20233 min read
This Day in History: The Mexican-American War
On this day in 1848, the U.S. Senate ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, bringing an end to the Mexican-American War. The treaty...

Feb 7, 20233 min read
This Day in History: Alone in Space
On this day in 1932, a pioneer is born. Alfred “Al” Worden is perhaps best known for his service as the command module pilot for Apollo...

Jan 25, 20233 min read
This Day in History: Nellie Bly’s trip around the world in 72 days
On this day in 1889, Nellie Bly concludes her famous trip around the world. The intrepid female journalist had already gone undercover in...

Aug 17, 20223 min read
This Day in History: Davy Crockett
On this day in 1786, frontiersman Davy Crockett is born. Crockett is known for his escapades as a hunter, scout, storyteller, and militia...

Jun 15, 20223 min read
This Day in History: The Pig War
On this day in 1859, an American farmer shoots a pig. The incident nearly sparks open warfare between the United Kingdom and the United...

Apr 25, 20223 min read
This Day in History: Thornton’s Affair sparks the Mexican-American War
On this day in 1846, Mexican and American forces clash in a disputed area close to the Rio Grande. The so-called Thornton Affair would...

Oct 24, 20212 min read
This Day in History: The end of the Pony Express
On this day in 1861, the first transcontinental telegraph is sent, bringing an end to the Pony Express. The task seemed impossible at...

Oct 20, 20213 min read
This Day in History: Thomas Jefferson & the Louisiana Purchase
On this day in 1803, the United States Senate approves the Louisiana Purchase. Americans had just purchased an 827,000 square mile block...

Oct 12, 20213 min read
This Day in History: The first celebration of Columbus Day
On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus lands in the New World. Exactly 300 years later, New York City would hold the first Columbus...

Oct 18, 20203 min read
This Day in History: Puerto Rico becomes a part of the United States
On this day in 1898, an American flag is raised over Puerto Rico. The island was no longer a Spanish possession. It was under the control...

Jun 7, 20193 min read
This Day in History: Daniel Boone explores the territory in “Kentucke”
On this day in 1769, Daniel Boone gets his first good look at the territory in Kentucky—or “Kentucke,” as it was sometimes called. The...
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