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1 hour ago4 min read
This Day in History: William M. Bryant's Bravery in Vietnam
On this day in 1969, a hero engages in an action that would earn him a Medal of Honor. William Maud Bryant has been called “the epitome...

Mar 103 min read
This Day in History: Major Bernard Fisher saves a fellow pilot
On this day in 1966, an Air Force pilot puts his life on the line for his comrade-in-arms, another pilot who had been downed during a...

Mar 83 min read
This Day in History: Joe Ronnie Hooper, most decorated soldier in Vietnam
On this day in 1969, a hero receives the Medal of Honor. Joe Ronnie Hooper served in both the Army and the Navy, and he remains one of...

Mar 53 min read
This Day in History: Ralph Johnson's Medal of Honor
On this day in 1968, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Ralph Henry Johnson had long wanted to be a...

Feb 243 min read
This Day in History: Roy P. Benavidez’s Medal of Honor
On this day in 1981, a member of the United States Army Special Forces receives the Medal of Honor. Surely no one had expected the...

Feb 113 min read
This Day in History: Daniel "Chappie" James
On this day in 1920, an American hero is born. Daniel “Chappie” James Jr. is often remembered as the first black man to become a...

Feb 103 min read
This Day in History: John Baca's heroism in Vietnam
On this day in 1970, a soldier engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Specialist Fourth Class John Baca must have...

Jan 143 min read
This Day in History: John Earl Warren, Jr.'s Medal of Honor
On this day in 1969, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. John Earl Warren, Jr. is credited with saving...

Jan 103 min read
This Day in History: Clarence Sasser's Medal of Honor
On this day in 1968, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Clarence Sasser didn’t expect to be a military...

Jan 73 min read
This Day in History: Father Vincent Capodanno’s Medal of Honor
On this day in 1969, a hero’s family receives the Medal of Honor on his behalf. Father Vincent Capodanno was a Navy chaplain who made the...

Jan 73 min read
This Day in History: Patrick H. Brady’s daring rescues
On this day in 1968, a United States Army helicopter pilot engages in an action that would ultimately earn him the Medal of Honor....

Nov 18, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Sammy L. Davis's heroism
On this day in 1967, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Sammy L. Davis has been called the “real Forrest...

Oct 22, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Milton “Skipper” Olive's sacrifice
On this day in 1965, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Pfc. Milton “Skipper” Olive III would become the...

Oct 15, 20243 min read
This Day in History: A former POW receives his Medal of Honor
On this day in 1973, the Medal of Honor is presented to Air Force pilot Leo K. Thorsness. His Medal had been delayed for years. It...

Aug 26, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Nicky Bacon's Medal
On this day in 1968, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. When Nicky Daniel Bacon saw the large enemy...

Aug 8, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Steven Bennett's Medal of Honor
On this day in 1974, a hero’s family accepts the Medal of Honor on his behalf. “He was a fine young fella,” Steven Bennett’s uncle would...

Jul 15, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Two Marines and their Medals of Honor
On this day in 1966, two Marines are involved in an action that would ultimately earn them Medals of Honor. The men were then serving...

Jul 11, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Robert L. Howard and his Medal of Honor
On this day in 1939, a future Medal of Honor recipient is born. Robert L. Howard would become one of the most highly decorated veterans...

May 30, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Robert Foley's Medal of Honor
On this day in 1941, a hero is born. Robert F. Foley originally thought he’d be a basketball star. After all, he had 15 offers to play...

May 20, 20243 min read
This Day in History: Frankie Molnar's bravery in Vietnam
On this day in 1967, a hero engages in an action that would earn him the Medal of Honor. Perhaps Frankie Molnar was destined to be a...
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