This Day in History: Battle of Crucifix Hill
This Day in History: Mitchell Paige & the Battle of Guadalcanal
This Day in History: Second Battle of Bull Run
This Day in History: Washington’s miraculous escape
This Day in History: “I have a dream!”
This Day in History: Nicky Bacon's Medal
This Day in History: WWII hero Silvestre S. Herrera
This Day in History: America's Cup
This Day in History: The British attack on Long Island
This Day in History: “Bloody Ban” Tarleton
This Day in History: Robert Simanek's bravery in Korea
This Day in History: Emma Didlake, WWII veteran
This Day in History: Esek Hopkins, First Commander of the Continental Navy
This Day in History: John Quincy Adams versus Andrew Jackson
This Day in History: Famous sharpshooter Annie Oakley is born
This Day in History: The Battle of Guam
This Day in History: Steven Bennett's Medal of Honor
This Day in History: Happy Purple Heart Day!
This Day in History: The Calutron Girls
This Day in History: The first USAF pilot to earn a Medal of Honor